Safety gloves for mechanical and chemical risks

In our wide range of gloves, you will find the perfect safety glove for a variety of applications – for all of our products, we pay particular attention to an excellent fit, as well as the required protective class.


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31 Products
uvex unidur 6679 foam HV
uvex unidur 6679 foam HV
uvex Bamboo TwinFlex® D xg
uvex Bamboo TwinFlex® D xg
uvex power protect V1000 electrician's glove
uvex power protect V1000 electrician's glove
uvex arc protect g1 - arc flash protection
uvex arc protect g1 - arc flash protection
uvex unilite 7710F assembly glove
uvex unilite 7710F assembly glove
uvex phynomic foam safety glove
uvex phynomic foam safety glove
uvex phynomic wet safety glove
uvex phynomic wet safety glove
uvex athletic lite assembly glove
uvex athletic lite assembly glove
uvex athletic all-round assembly glove
uvex athletic all-round assembly glove
uvex unipur 6639 safety glove
uvex unipur 6639 safety glove
uvex unilite 6605 safety glove
uvex unilite 6605 safety glove
uvex unipur 6634 safety glove
uvex unipur 6634 safety glove
uvex compact NB27H safety glove
uvex compact NB27H safety glove
uvex C500 foam cut protection glove
uvex C500 foam cut protection glove
uvex athletic D5 XP cut protection glove
uvex athletic D5 XP cut protection glove
Arc flash and impact protection glove HexArmor® Chrome SLT® 4060
Arc flash and impact protection glove HexArmor® Chrome SLT® 4060
Cut protection glove HexArmor® Helix® Series 2076
Cut protection glove HexArmor® Helix® Series 2076
Welding Glove HexArmor® Chrome SLT® 4062
Welding Glove HexArmor® Chrome SLT® 4062
Cut protection glove HexArmor® Helix® Series 2062
Cut protection glove HexArmor® Helix® Series 2062
Impact protection glove HexArmor® Rig Lizard® Thin Lizzie™ 2090X
Impact protection glove HexArmor® Rig Lizard® Thin Lizzie™ 2090X
Cut-resistant food safe glove HexArmor® Helix® Series 3033
Cut-resistant food safe glove HexArmor® Helix® Series 3033
uvex synexo impact 1 cut protection glove
uvex synexo impact 1 cut protection glove
uvex unidur 6649 cut protection glove
uvex unidur 6649 cut protection glove
uvex unidur 6659 foam cut protection glove
uvex unidur 6659 foam cut protection glove
uvex unidur sleeve C TL lower arm protection
uvex unidur sleeve C TL lower arm protection
uvex rubiflex S XG35B chemical protection glove
uvex rubiflex S XG35B chemical protection glove
The all-round protective glove: uvex uniflex 7020
The all-round protective glove: uvex uniflex 7020
uvex profastrong NF33 chemical protection glove
uvex profastrong NF33 chemical protection glove
uvex profapren CF33 chemical protection glove
uvex profapren CF33 chemical protection glove
uvex unigrip PL 6628 protective glove
uvex unigrip PL 6628 protective glove
uvex unilite 6610F safety glove
uvex unilite 6610F safety glove